LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A significant milestone in the telecom industry was reached between 12 of the most relevant telecom operators globally (Amrica Mvil, ATT, Bharti Airtel, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Reliance Jio, Singtel, Tele
HANOI, Vietnam--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Marking its 25th anniversary, FPT Software has unveiled the Happy Giga Run 2024 campaign, an ambitious initiative aimed at uniting its global workforce under the theme Together we do good.
With Juniper’s AI-Native solutions, it can now tap into the right data, right real-time responses, and right infrastructure to deliver improved mobile employee experiencesSEOUL, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR),
- 該解決方案可加速生物製藥研發 -東京--(美國商業資訊)-- Rigaku Holdings Group旗下公司、從實驗室到工廠的X射線分析全球合作夥伴Rigaku Corporation(總部:東京昭島;總裁兼執行長:Jun Kawakami;以下簡稱「Rigaku」)開發了一種名為Electron Density To
东京--(美国商业资讯)-- mesm Tokyo, Autograph Collection:本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: FANTASY 2024在mesm Tokyo, Autograph Collection酒店体验充满艺术、音乐和酷炫东京
《Designing Better Maps》 二十年来助力制图师成功绘制精美地图加州雷德兰兹--(美国商业资讯)--智能定位领域的全球领导者Esri今天宣布发行《Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users(第三版)》。屡获殊荣的作家和制图专家Cynthia A. Brewer将其从事
纽约--(美国商业资讯)--帝国大厦(ESB)举办了第46届年度帝国大厦爬楼赛,此次活动由Starbucks赞助并由Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF)提供支持。在几场指定的预赛中,来自世界各地的650多名参赛者爬过大厦的1576级楼梯,抵达位于标志性的86层观景台的终
Multi-year contract renewal extends satellite delivery for Sky Q channelsLUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SES announced today that it has extended its long-standing partnership with Sky through a multi-year contract renewal for satellite capaci
纽约--(美国商业资讯)--全球投资者权益律师事务所Rosen Law Firm宣布,一名股东代表所有在2024年4月22日至2024年8月28日期间购买iLearningEngines, Inc. (NASDAQ: AILE)证券的投资者提起了集体诉讼。iLearningEngines自称是一家 人工智能驱动的学习自动化软件