卡班加:由Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment提供支持,并被认可为Minerals Security Partnership的一个项目纽约--(美国商业资讯)-- Lifezone Metals Limited (NYSE: LZM)首席执行官Chris Showalter欣然宣布,Lifezone已与美国和坦桑尼亚
Xsolla携手Savvy Games Group在沙特阿拉伯成立Xsolla Academy,举办行业领先的活动,计划到2030年提供3,600个新工作岗位,并将利雅得设为Xsolla的区域总部,推进该国2030年成为全球游戏和电竞中心的愿景沙特阿拉伯利雅得--(美国商业资讯)--全球电子游戏商务公
Expansion will support company’s U.S. mission to deliver a smoke-free future as it moves legal-age consumers who smoke to better alternativesExpansion to deliver additional $277 million annually in regional economic impact*New hiring to in
Creative Director Olivier Rousteing Builds on Balmain’s Legendary Fashion and Perfume History to Change the Meaning of Beauty for the FuturePARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Balmain announces today the launch of its first beauty creation, a collecti
纽约--(美国商业资讯)--永远的标志。TOM FORD T台唇彩是终极时尚配饰。本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240822603856/zh-CN/安吉丽娜朱莉为新款TOM FORD T台唇膏代言的广告活动将时尚偶像和时尚产品结合
休斯顿--(美国商业资讯)--Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX)通过其子公司Chevron Australia New Ventures Pty Ltd (Chevron)获得了西澳大利亚州近海温室气体(GHG)评估许可证。这张许可证为Chevron提供了进一步的机会,以实现其安全地向不断发展的世界提供低碳
New contract builds on 20-year relationship with engineering and RT Technology Services Limited (LTTS)Strategic collaboration will see LTTS use the Thales Sentinel platform to help customers monetize their software with flexible licensing
TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT) (the Company) (TSE: 2914) announces today that the JT Group has reached an agreement with Vector Group Ltd. (VGR), the fourth largest tobacco company in the United States,
成立新的生活方式集团,将顶级生活方式品牌的领导力和人才与 Hyatt 的全球分销网络和屡获殊荣的 World of Hyatt 忠诚计划相结合芝加哥--(美国商业资讯)--Hyatt Hotels Corporation(纽约证券交易所代码:H)今天宣布,计划收购开创性生活方式公司Standard Int
NORDBORG, Denmark -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --After three years of significant growth, organically and through MA, the first half of 2024 has proven to be challenging due to lower demand in selected key markets. Group sales amounted to EUR 5 billi
可持续纺织生产的标杆——Powered by Textile Takeback,将于8月27日至29日在中国国际纺织面料及辅料博览会(Intertextile)上全球首发。北卡罗莱纳州GREENSBORO--(美国商业资讯)--再生及合成纱线的领导者UNIFI公司(纽约证券交易所代码:UFI),今日宣布推出