
2020年08月07日 12:03:01 来自: (0)参与




  • 新冠疫情背景下的服装行业的数字化转型-发展现状及趋势展望
  • 趋势与展望:数字时代下全球时尚产业的发展与消费者洞察
  • 数字化力量如何变革服装采购与供应链
  • 数字化时代,服装品牌的数字化供应链的最佳实践与探索
  • 如何打造端到端的服装供应链,助力服装供应链的数字化转型
  • 从制造驱动到数据驱动,服装行业如何实现真正的数字化生产?
  • 未来的服装供应链—新冠疫情期间如何充分利用数字力量来提高服装供应链的绩效
  • 数字化工厂:新技术如何变革服装生产与制造
  • 按需生产:为了满足不断变化的消费者需求,如何从生产供应商转型为服务供应商?
  • 小组讨论:自动化和人工智能在服装生产中的机遇和挑战
  • 可持续发展的新突破:如何利用区块链技术提高服装行业的透明度


大会地点:中国 -上海

大会主办方:上海希为 ECV International



  • 2天会议同声传译设备
  • 纸质会刊、APP电子语音材料
  • 2天五星级酒店自助午餐券、茶歇以及五星级酒店提供的所有茶点





联系人: Ciking Zhao

电话:+86 21 8026 0707-803



关于ECV International


上海希为(ECV International)是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构,拥有近 200位行业研究及活动策划、运营专家,每年在全球举办约40场高端国际峰会,涉及零售、汽车、纺织、鞋业、物联网、新科技等行业。

我们为超过半数的财富 2,000 强企业提供专业的商业会议及咨询服务,每年有超过 6,000 位来自戴姆勒、通用电气、阿迪达斯、可口可乐、阿里巴巴、ABB等跨国公司、专业机构及创新企业的决策人参加我们的会议和活动。我们的使命是通过提供专业服务帮助客户抓住发展机遇、迎接挑战、实现全球范围内的可持续发展,进而影响行业格局,引领行业未来



Global Apparel Digital Transformation Summit Will be Held in Shanghai

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to have political and economic turmoil all over the world, affecting business and consumer activities. Against this backdrop, digital transformation has become crucial to enterprises for operational resilience. While digitally active companies have been able to play to their strengths, others are increasingly considering digitalization as a choice better now than late or never. And for the apparel industry, ranging from global retailers to apparel manufacturers, they are both investing in digital tools to streamline their supply chain for response the possible trade risks and uncertainties. Apparel industry is one of the most challenging fields, highly impacted by global economic uncertainty as well as distinct trends and industrial changes. In response to the pressure for growth and cost efficiency, many brands have started a series of initiatives to improve their speed to market and to implement sustainable innovation in their core product design, manufacturing and supply chain processes. Thus, digitalization is one of the most important way to complete these goals and accelerate speed to market-allowing for quicker response time to trends and shifts in the marketplace.


Under the new background, it’s really important for each company to quickly revisit the digitalization strategies for more business resilience. So, this summit will focus on the digital sourcing and digital supply chain innovation during COVID-19, digital manufacturing transformation and advanced technologies innovation, how the digitalization will make a great impact on the apparel industry amid COVID-19 and how to strengthen the implementation of their digital strategy post-COVID/when comes to the possible trade risks. The major international apparel brands, apparel manufacturers, excellent digital platform providers and technology innovators will be invited to share their insights and practices at this event to talk about the opportunities and challenges that brought by the digital wave.


This summit is a closed-door meeting which will take both ONLINE and in-person. Join hands with 40+ industry experts to create an ideological feast for you through theme sharing, Q&A and group discussion. Participants will get market intelligence, case sharing and enterprise solutions from leading enterprises in the industry. This is not only a business training opportunity, but also serve as a platform for high-end people to help everyone seize the opportunity and negotiate and cooperate together. looking forward to your participation.



  • Current Situation and Prospect of Digital Transformation in Apparel Industry under the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Trends and Prospects: The Development of Global Fashion Industry and Customer Insights in the Digital Age
  • The Power of Digital in Transforming and Revolutionizing the Apparel Sourcing and Supply Chain
  • In the Digital Age, Best Practice and Exploration of Digital Supply Chain of an Apparel Brand
  • Create an End-to-end Holistic Supply Chain, and Complete the Digital Transformation of Apparel Supply Chain
  • From Manufacturing-Driven to Data-Driven, How to Achieve the Real Digital Production in Apparel Industry?
  • Fashion Supply Chain in the Future, How to Make Full Use of Digital Power to Improve the Performance of Apparel Supply Chain during COVID-19
  • A Digital Factory: How Technology is Transforming Apparel Manufacturing
  • On-demand Manufacturing: How Will You Change from a Manufacturing Supplier to a Service Provider to Meet the Needs of Ever-changing Consumer?
  • Panel Discussion:Opportunities and Challenges of Automation and AI in Apparel Production
  • A New Level of Sustainability: How to Promote Transparency in the Apparel Industry by Using Blockchain Technology
  • How Digital Twin Technology Transform the Apparel Production?
  • Growing Your Business with Digital Textile Printing Solutions


Summit time: Sep. 23-24, 2020

Venue: Shanghai, China

Organizer: ECV International


We will provide:

  • Simultaneous interpretation device for 2-day conference
  • Brochure, recording materials
  • Two-day buffet lunch coupons, tea breaks and all refreshments provided by five-star hotels


More details, please visit our official website:



Contact Us:

Ciking Zhao

Tel: +86 21 8026 0707-803

E-Mail: cikingz@ecvinternational.com


About ECV International:

ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. Every year, we hold around 40 high-level international summits involved in the fields of vehicle, retail, textile, footwear, IoT, New Science & Technology industry, etc.

We have served more than half of the Fortune 2,000 companies, and every year more than 6,000 delegates from multinational enterprises, specialized organizations and creative companies take part in our events, i.e. Daimler, GE, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Alibaba, ABB, etc.
Our mission is to provide professional services to connect and inform the stakeholders who would be able to shape the industry landscape in the future and to create more value for our clientele through our efforts to help them seize opportunities, meet challenges and achieve sustainable development on a global basis.

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猫扑网友:Alexandr 嫁衣°

