Eight in 10 people believe misinformation undermines the adoption of critical innovations Nine in 10 people say it’s important for governments to ensure public access to accurate information about innovations and to establish clear and fai
Korea Zinc’s Extraordinary General Meeting to Be Conducted Fairly Using a Simple Voting MethodSEOUL, South Korea -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --MBK Partners and Young Poong, the largest shareholders of Korea Zinc, issue the following statement regar
PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bureau Veritas, a global leader in Testing, Inspection, and Certification services, announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Contec AQS and its two owned subsidiaries Exenet and PMPI. The planned acquisit
迈阿密--(美国商业资讯)-- Business Telecommunications Services, Inc. (BTS)是全球领先的通信技术服务提供商、技术推动者和值得信赖的合作伙伴。该公司今天宣布被指定为SoftBank Corp.(SoftBank)全资子公司和官方国际A2P短信网关BBIX, Inc. (BBIX) 的独
Continued investment in wind assisted propulsion, next-generation fuels and digital solutions key to moving the world’s goods more sustainablyGENEVA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cargill is advancing a new era in sustainable shipping, putting innovati
Company continues to lead the third-party software support and innovation solutions market, focusing on delivering strategic, operational and financial success for its clientsLAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rimini Street, Inc.(Nasdaq: RMNI), a
ZAPI GROUP的年度活动将探索“创新求变”和具有全球影响力的新电气化机会意大利波维廖--(美国商业资讯)--汽车电气化领域的全球领导者ZAPI GROUP宣布,将于2025年2月26日至27日举办第四届电气化的未来(Future of Electrification)虚拟会议。在往年成功的基础上
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Leading global professional services firmAlvarez Marsal(AM) has announced the promotion of 80 professionals, acrossBrazil,Canada,France,Germany,India,Italy,
BEIJING--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (NASDAQ:SVA) (SINOVAC or the Company), a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in China, today announced that the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London, Eng