阿联酋迪拜--(美国商业资讯)--菲律宾陆军卫生服务顾问、菲律宾武装部队预备役部队上校、来自菲律宾的Maria Victoria Juan护士已被宣布为2024年Aster守护者全球护理奖(Aster Guardians Global Nursing Award)的获得者,并在于印度班加罗尔举行的著名颁奖典礼上
新泽西州沃伦和印度孟买--(美国商业资讯)--全球技术咨询和数字解决方案公司LTIMindtree[NSE: LTIM, BSE: 540005]的全资子公司LTIMindtree USA Inc.宣布建立合作伙伴关系,包括对下一代初创公司Voicing.AI进行战略投资。此次合作符合LTIMindtree的AI in everyt
JAPAN LONDON NEW YORK AMSTERDAM--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE:ICE), a leading global provider of technology and data, today announced the latest addition to its global energy offering with the launch of Japan
拉斯维加斯--(美国商业资讯)--内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校(UNLV)和Las Vegas Sands欣然宣布,内华达高等教育系统(Nevada System of Higher Education)理事会在12月5日举行的季议上正式批准在UNLV成立Sands中国语言文化学院,Sands向UNLV Foundation慷慨捐赠
旧金山--(美国商业资讯)-- Andersen Global进一步拓展其全球格局,自2020年以来的合作公司Robley Baynes正式成为成员公司并使用Andersen名称。Andersen in Trinidad and Tobago是加勒比地区的首家成员公司,也是Andersen品牌在该地区首次亮相,并进一步巩固了
旧金山--(美国商业资讯)-- Andersen Global在马耳他成立Andersen in Malta公司,以不断巩固其欧洲业务。该公司将与现有成员律师事务所Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates一起为马耳他及全球私人和企业客户提供全面的税务、法律和企业综合服务。Andersen in Malta的服
Collaboration under the GESAC program, a federal government initiative promoting digital inclusion across Brazil with high-speed broadband over satelliteLUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Telebras has selected SES, along with other partners, to s
SEOUL, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MBK Partners categorically dismisses the baseless allegations made by Korea Zinc regarding an alleged breach of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).Despite prior clarification that the MBK Partners Buyout D
SEOUL, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MBK Partners has clarified its position on a matter involving Korea Zinc, stating that the company is making claims that are far from reality. The matter dates back to May 2022, when a person known to be